Tuesday Sep 27, 2022
Lead Story: Association of State Child Abuse Policies and Mandated Reporting Policies With Prenatal and Postpartum Care Among Women Who Engaged in Substance Use During Pregnancy
JAMA Pediatrics
Certain states have enacted policies that consider substance use during pregnancy as child abuse. In this cross-sectional study of 4,155 pregnant women who engaged in substance use during pregnancy, 33.9% delivered in states with a child abuse policy only, 16.4% in states with a mandated reporting policy only, 32.9% in states with both policies, and 16.8% in states with neither policy. Women who delivered in states with a child abuse policy only, mandated reporting policy only, or both policies initiated prenatal care later, with a reduced chance for adequate prenatal and postnatal care compared with women who delivered in states without these policies. Such policies may deter pregnant people who engage in substance use from receiving the essential care and treatment they deserve.