Tuesday Jan 23, 2024
Lead: Trends in hallucinogen-associated emergency department visits
There has been growing interest in recent years around hallucinogens as potential therapeutics, and use among young adults has increased significantly. With limited data, the mounting perception is that hallucinogens are safe. In this context, the authors examined emergency department (ED) visits and hospitalizations due to hallucinogens versus alcohol and cannabis in California between 2016 and 2022. Hallucinogen-associated ED visits increased by 54% (2260 visits to 3476 visits), while alcohol-associated visits decreased by 20% and cannabis-associated visits increased by 15%. Additionally, hallucinogen-associated hospital admissions increased by 55% (2556 to 3965) with no significant changes in alcohol- and cannabis-associated hospitalizations. Additional research is needed to assess hallucinogen-associated potential harms.