Tuesday Jan 10, 2023
Lead Story: A neuromarker for drug and food craving distinguishes drug users from non-users
A neuromarker for drug and food craving distinguishes drug users from non-users
Nature Neuroscience
Functional MRI images were obtained while subjects were exposed to visual cues for drugs and palatable foods and asked to rate their level of craving. Subjects were individuals who use drugs (cigarette users=21, alcohol users=17, and cocaine users n=21) and matched controls (n=40). Machine learning was used to identify a pattern of neural activation associated with craving, the Neurobiological Craving Signature (NCS), that extended throughout the brain including areas such as the parietal and temporal areas and cerebellum, not usually associated with craving. The same NCS was found for food and drugs indicating the similarity of these cravings. NCS response to drug cues was able to identify individuals who use drugs with an 82% accuracy. The authors suggest that the NCS has promise for diagnosing SUD as well as measuring responses to treatment.