Tuesday Jul 18, 2023
Lead: Questioning the Right to Pain Relief and Its Role in the Opioid Epidemic
Lead Story:
Questioning the Right to Pain Relief and Its Role in the Opioid Epidemic
Mayo Clinic Proceedings
The Harrison Act of 1914 helped establish opioids as specific painkillers that had a distinct capacity to induce addiction. This understanding of opioids as having distinct and separable analgesic and addictive potential was challenged by the 1970s discovery of an endogenous opioid system, which integrates pain and reward functions to support survival. Modern pain neurophysiology places the patient with pain in a passive position from which it makes sense to assert a right to pain relief. To prevent future opioid epidemics, the authors advocate for the abandonment of clinical outpatient use of pain intensity scores. They redefine the medical necessity of pain treatment as less about the reduction of pain intensity and more about the capacity to pursue personally valued activities.