Tuesday Aug 29, 2023
Lead: Marijuana and hallucinogen use, binge drinking reached historic highs among adults 35 to 50
Lead Story:
Marijuana and hallucinogen use, binge drinking reached historic highs among adults 35 to 50
According to data from the Monitoring the Future (MTF) study, use of marijuana and hallucinogens reached their highest levels ever for people 35-50 years of age in 2022. Binge drinking among this age group also reached peak levels. For those 19-30 years of age, marijuana and vaping reached their highest levels since reporting MTF data. Past year use of other substances including sedatives, cigarettes, and non-prescribed opioids, however, revealed a 10-year decline for both age groups. According to NIDA director Dr. Nora Volkow, “Understanding these trends is a first step, and it is crucial that research continues to illuminate how substance use and related health impacts may change over time.”