Tuesday Jul 16, 2024
Lead: Benzodiazepine use in relation to long-term dementia risk and imaging markers of neurodegeneration: a population-based study
BMC Medicine
This study examined the relationship between benzodiazepine (BZD) use and dementia, using data from the population-based Rotterdam (Netherlands) study started in 1990. For 5,443 participants, BZD use during the 15 years from 1990 to 2005 was compared to dementia screens performed through 2020. Half of the participants had used BZD at some time during the 15-year baseline, and 13% developed dementia. Overall, there was no association between BZD use and dementia risk. However, the use of BZD as an anxiolytic in higher doses was associated with dementia risk (HR=1.3). The authors note that BZD with longer half-life are used as anxiolytics, whereas short half-life BZD are used as sedative-hypnotics. A reduction in hippocampal volume on MRI was also associated with BZD use. Overall, there was no association of BZD use with dementia risk, however, some associations were observed that deserve further study.