Tuesday Mar 19, 2024
Lead: Adolescent Δ8-THC and Marijuana Use in the US
Lead Story:
Adolescent Δ8-THC and Marijuana Use in the US 🔓
D8-THC is synthesized from legal hemp plants (with low D9-THC) and has intoxicating effects similar to D9-THC. D8-THC is available in smoking, vaping, and edible products and is marketed as federally legal. To investigate the extent of D8-THC use by adolescents, data were extracted from the 2023 Monitoring the Future study in which a random selection of 12th grade students were asked about D8-THC use (n=2186). Prevalence of D8-THC use over the past 12 months was 11.4%, and for marijuana use was 30.4%. D8-THC use was lower in western states (5%) than southern states (14.4%), states where D8-THC was regulated (5.7% v. 14.4%), and states where marijuana was legal (8.0% v. 14.0%). The authors conclude that D8-THC use among adolescents is significant and deserves further attention.